Energize Yourself with Free Online Games

While working intensely on a project, you may notice your concentration wane over time. It is only natural that your mind gets tired as the clock keeps ticking. Furthermore, sometimes you may feel like your cognitive ability oscillates over time with peaks and troughs. A sudden burst of inspiration or determination can be a sign of a peak while the troughs resemble staring into space blankly. If you find the troughs a bore, try another activity like jumping jacks or online games, or even online casino games with great bonuses such as Las Vegas casino bonus code. Putting yourself through a lot of stress is never good for your health in the long run. A varied schedule keeps your mind sharp and will increase your performance. Here are some recommendations of online games that can give you the kick you need to get back in there and plough through the work you have to do.

Lichess is a website for chess enthusiasts. If you fancy playing a game that has been around since the 6th century, and is still increasing in popularity with Magnus Carlsen at the helm, here you may even get the chance to play against the big boys. Have some coffee and play against a friend or computer, or enter in a free tournament to earn some money, play King of the Hill or Crazyhouse – you don’t need to play the traditional game. The website has plenty of tutorials and interactive study material to learn from to keep you busy and sharpen your skills. You may even want to quickly try the puzzle of the day if you are short on time.

If you would like to have a wider range of choices so that you may select a game from a genre you really like then I would suggest armorgames.com since their website boasts a neat collection of addicting surprises. For example, take a look at the strategy section where over 71m people have played the zombie survival game – The Last Stand – and gave it a 96/100. Quite the score for a free adventure set in an apocalyptic world. Don’t want to think too much but just get that buzz? Try the shooters! Strike Force Heroes will give you the madness you crave with 15 campaign missions and 65 different weapons. Or keep the adrenaline flowing with Epic Boss Fighter 2.

Yet another place to give you ample opportunity to relax is kongregate.com with an amazing selection of exciting games. This community has been around for ages and gives near immediate feedback to aspiring developers so that quick fixes can be done and some games even get regular updates. A lot of games on this site do not require constant attention and save automatically so that you may resume your play whenever you wish. You may even try a simulator or base builder to watch your empire grow as time goes by. All in all, a great place to get your dopamine and alertness back to peak performance.  

If you mix work with a bit of play you should be having an easier time throughout the day! Since most of us cannot be stuck on a task that seemingly lasts forever there are some websites out there that cater for our needs and give us a quick and enjoyable experience – why not give it a shot?

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