How to Achieve Work-Life Balance

There is one magic word for managing stress and that’s – balance. Like the ancient Greeks used to say, “Too much of anything is bad”.

If you want to achieve a work-life balance, you should first decide on what you want from life and how do you want to spend your time. Determine the most important goal for each area of your life: personal, family and work. It is not difficult and it will probably be lots of fun. Make a vision board, or a bucket list. Give your goals serious thought but be aware that you can always change them.

If you are not single, talk to your spouse or a partner. Your goals should be compatible.

Now when you know what you want, make a good plan, taking into account the means for achieving your dream life.

You need to have a strong sense of who you are, what is important to you, and what your values are. Find what makes you happy and try to get more of that in life.

It is also important to always take some time for rest, especially if you tend to stress out about work too much. Set clear boundaries between work hours and your personal time. After work, turn off job cell phone and enjoy your free time. If you feel stressed and you work too much, it is time to take a break.

Be strong and decisive. If you are not happy with your job, find a new one. If an office job is not for you, you can always look for freelance jobs where you can manage your own time and work remotely.

It is very important to find a job you can actually enjoy, because you spend a significant part of your day doing it. For the same reason, you should create a positive atmosphere in your workspace and in relation to your colleagues. Be nice to your co-workers and surround yourself with things that make you feel good.

Do not prioritize work above your health, your family, friends and hobbies.

Breaks are not a waste of time. In fact, filling your batteries during a short break or taking a few weeks off work to go for a holiday, can make you more productive.

If you are a workaholic, other people may start relying on you too much. You must know your limits and learn to say “no” to things you cannot and won’t do.

The first step to a more balanced life is finding out what you really want and deciding on your priorities. There will always be much work to do, but do not forget that you only have this one life. Enjoy it.

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